Spoons & more for sale, Jan 2016 – proceeds towards workshop project


chisel waste

Some of you have seen that I have a workshop-build underway. This is a momentous happening for me, as perhaps you can imagine. After leaving my museum job, where I had my workshop for 20 years, I was drifting around a bit, thinking I’d “find” something suitable. It’s now been 2 full years since I packed up my old shop & moved my stuff to storage. I had a loaner shop that I used to shoot the last batch of photos for my upcoming book 2 of joinery. I also tucked a 6’ bench in typically cramped basement quarters here at home. And that’s what really spoiled me, because I got used to, and really liked, being at home.

This story is already getting too long, so I’ll skip ahead. For about a month now, my friend Pret & I have been working part-time cutting joints for the timber frame that will be my 12’ x 16’ workshop. It’s fun, and is going great. The hardest part for me is keeping my head in the present – in my mind, I’m in the shop, working out what goes where, and wandering around inside that space. But that’s getting ahead of myself.

Over the years many of you have written to thank me for the blog and its stories, ideas, etc. I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to send an email or comment, it means a lot to me. The new shop will allow me to get back to photographing furniture work the way I like to, (the basement shop has no room for me, much less a tripod, etc) so you can look forward to more of the “old” posts, maybe by springtime. We have some more joinery to cut, and a lot of details to work out. In the time not working on that, I’m trying to get some stuff made so I can earn money – to buy insulation, siding/sheathing, flooring, shingles, and all the other miscellaneous bits to bring the shop to completion.

So – the fundraising bit –

bowl & spoons Jan

I have a few spoons for sale, and will have more coming soon. There’s also some odds and ends; hewn bowls, and a carved panel in Alaskan yellow cedar. https://pfollansbee.wordpress.com/spoons-bowls-more-for-sale-jan-2016-shop-build-fundraiser/

I still have a box or two, and the baskets. Those are found here: https://pfollansbee.wordpress.com/furniture-sale-winter-2015/ and here: https://pfollansbee.wordpress.com/baskets-furniture/

I’ve had a couple of complaints about selling stuff here on the blog, one of those I wrote back to & talked about how much free stuff there is here, and always will be (as long as the blog lasts, over 8 years right now). The writer & I worked out the situation, and it all ended well. The reality is I now make my living making things & selling them, and travelling around teaching. Some months are better than others, just like everyone else. After thinking it over long & hard, I decided to add a “donate” button here, while I build the shop. The button will disappear when the shop materials are all set. If anyone is inclined to help out that way, I’d greatly appreciate it. I hesitated to include this option, but I decided that people might want to help out, and my yard is too small to have you all over, so here’s a different way. On the page for spoons, and on the sidebar.

Email  if you’d like any of these items. I can send a paypal invoice, or you can mail a check. Just let me know. Thanks as always. Peter.Follansbee@verizon.net   



9 thoughts on “Spoons & more for sale, Jan 2016 – proceeds towards workshop project

  1. Peter, have you ever considered prints of some of your bird pictures? You take some really wonderful shots.


  2. Peter, been enjoying your blog for about a year, whether it’s spoons, chests, your shop, events, birds, or anything else. Selling what you make is part of what you do, and hopefully most of us appreciate getting your whole story. Please continue to blog about everything that you think is worth putting out here — whatever you choose to post is going to be a blessing to somebody in some way.

  3. Heh. A fellow has to make a living, and photos of spoons &c. are educational on their own, whether a price tag is attached or not. It wasn’t that long ago that anything you wrote would have to be purchased in a magazine, not just given away for free online, multiple times per month. Someone needs to re-assess their sense of entitlement, and it’s not you!

  4. Peter, I have been reading your blog for a few years and you have pointed me in some great new directions that have helped me grow as an educator and a craftsman. I am certainly invested in what you are passing on to the public. I also admire what you are doing in your professional life. It is a true reflection of the kind of honest and sincere person that you are and I respect that. Home is a great place to work. It’s inspiring to do what you love around those you love. I too am in the process of finishing up a 13 x 15 “shed shop” if you will, and I couldn’t do it had it not been for the help of some friends and lots of donated supplies. I admire your courage for reaching out and asking for help. Members of a community are supposed to help each other and I really hope you get all of the support you need. You have done a lot for me and I have never even met you. I hope to meet you one day when I have the time and funds to take a class up at CT Valley with you.

    All the best,


  5. Peter,
    I’ve always dreamed of building a post and beam barn with the right kind of joinery. The difference, you are actually doing it! Good luck with it and enjoy!

  6. Hey Peter,

    All the education, information, encouragement, and enjoyment you’ve given us over the years through your blog and elsewhere is worth way more than whatever I could send you to help with the shop project. So I’ll do what I can and wish you the best. Check’s in the mail.


  7. Sell away, sir. The passion you bring to the craft, and the knowledge you share continue to amaze me. You’ve earned the right.

    I love to look at your work, and find it inspirational. Someday i might even buy something.

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