Drew Langsner’s book Green Woodworking back in print

My blog is not noted for its variety. I keep saying the same things over & over again. Drawboring. Green wood. Carved oak. Hand tools. My kids. Today’s bird. (Great Horned owlet, thanks for showing it to me, Marie. Look at the feet on this creature!)

great horned owl young
great horned owl young

And Drew Langsner.

Drew Langsner
Drew Langsner

If you have read this blog, you know how I feel about Drew and the work he and his wife Louise have put into Country Workshops over the past (maybe 34, 35) years. https://pfollansbee.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/how-did-i-get-started-country-workshops-the-langsners-is-how/  Today I got a new copy of an old book by Drew called, of all things, Green Woodworking. The original 2 versions of this book have been out of print for some time, but now Drew has brought this one back in an Author’s Reprint Edition.

Green Woodworking by Drew Langsner
Green Woodworking by Drew Langsner

The book first came out in 1987, by which time I was a “repeat offender” at Country Workshops; i.e. I took classes there regularly. I remember a couple of years making 2 trips down there per year. (900 miles each way).  I devoured the book when it was new. I still keep the hardcover edition in the shop, and still refer to it from time to time.

Spoons, they’re here. I learned to make them from this book and its predecessor, Country Woodcraft, before meeting Jogge & Wille Sundqvist at CW. You can make a spoon right from the book, I just re-read the chapter a week ago. Drew outlined the book by devoting each chapter to a technique, Hewing, Riving, Shaving and so on. Each chapter then has a project that highlights that particular technique. At one time or another, I have made most everything in this book. Just the other day, I was talking with my wife about making the firewood carriers again. I used to make lots of them. The seeds of my joinery work are in there too – Drew profiled several woodworkers in one section, including Alexander. Mention is made of the beginnings of JA’s study of 17th-century joinery.

If you don’t have this book, now’s your chance to get it direct from the horse’s mouth. Drew sells them from Country Workshops, $35 plus $7.50 shipping & handling. www.countryworkshops.org

Of course, I am biased – I’ve known Drew since I stumbled down there in 1980 as the greenest 22-yr old you can imagine. So read what Chris Schwarz said in his post “10 books that changed the way I think” – Drew got 2 of the 10…

“Green Woodworking” by Drew Langsner. This book is like visiting a foreign country, a delightful foreign country. Even if you have been woodworking for decades, this book offers surprises and insights on every page. It will make you more intimate with your material.

“The Chairmaker’s Workshop” by Drew Langsner. While John Brown’s book made me want to build chairs, Langsner’s gave me the information I needed to actually do it. Though I build chairs differently now, I could not have gotten started without this book.

8 thoughts on “Drew Langsner’s book Green Woodworking back in print

  1. Thanks…. I will order the book. As to the owlet. As a CT wildlife officer I had handled these great birds and others. I had to pick up an injured owl one time. The complainant said “let me help” and before I could say wait he grabbed the bird. Not into his hand, through the hand with those talons.

  2. Thanks for this information on the book. Looks terrific. Question Peter, have you ever thought on doing a spoons instruction dvd? I was so inspired by the Woodwrights Shop with you carving the Swedish spoons, that I was hoping that you may consider it? Thank you for your inspiring work and for getting us this information on Drew Langsner. It has been a real inspiration.

    Take care,


  3. Jennie Alexander says:

    Drew and Louise Langsner’s contributions to preindutrial crafts and good eating
    are praisworthy indeed. When I needed to move to a larger, more peaceful pond, they were a new beginning. I remember we used to agonize over changing the name Country Workshops in an attempt to invite weary urbanites. Not to worry.We found our way. I gratefully endorse Peter’s comments.


  4. Still have my tattered 1987 copy, much loved. Built the chair and the stool, built the shaving horse. I built the log cabin too, but my copy of his “Logbuilding” grew legs and walked off with a thief.

  5. Thanks Peter my copy was worn and wearing out. Be nice if St. Roy would do a PBS show with Drew and Louise for all that they have done….It might have to be a two part series….

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