Heather Neill’s paintings

We all miss somebody these days. Well, many somebodies. One I miss in particular is my friend Heather Neill. But every year about this time there’s a daily dose of Heather’s paintings as she prepares for her show at the Granary Gallery on Martha’s Vineyard. And lo and behold, I made another appearance. I had completely forgotten posing for this one.

The bookbinder Heather Neill

To see more of Heather’s work, and to read the stories behind each one, see her blog with its “painter’s notes.” https://heatherneill.com/studio-blog/

4 thoughts on “Heather Neill’s paintings

  1. I love that she sat you at a 17th Century table. Presumably on a joined stool!
    (Or did you have to supply your own furniture?)

  2. I just love her interpretation,looks great its so wonderful!! I see Heather painted your good side Besides your work you are now also timeless.

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